Welcome to Paisley & Plow!
My name is Haleigh. I live on a cattle ranch with my husband, three kids, and lots of animals. I'm an Enneagram Type 8, a huge Purdue fan, a wannabe lifestyle blogger, and I love the Midwest. When I'm not chasing after my children...I'm either putting together a more-elaborate-than-necessary meal or going through a fast food drive-thru. (There is no in between.)
The beautiful people to the left are my family. I have the world's sexiest husband and the three most incredible children. They are the reason for my business. I got sick of working for someone else's dream while paying daycare to do what I really wanted to do: care for my babies. Long story short, I went on maternity leave with my second daughter and I never went back to work. I had started Paisley and Plow as a side hustle and it quickly became my passion. That was my chance. I went full time work-from-home-mom/ranch hand/chauffeur/chef/house keeper/and all-around chaos coordinator. It was the absolute best decision I have ever made in my life.
If you've made it this far in my little blurb...you're either really bored or...you're my mom. Just kidding. I do want to thank you for stopping by the site and looking around. Before you make your selections and click "check out," know this:
By doing so, you are making a young mama's dream come true. You are allowing me to stay at home with my babies while still having something for myself. Something to pour my creativity and love for people into. You are so vital to my happiness. So thank you.
I do hope that you enjoy what you find here. I strive to provide my customers with beautiful, unique, high-quality, affordably-priced pieces. This is not your average women's clothing boutique...I particularly love all things western/bohemian and I have a passion for women's accessories.
Every single item has been personally selected by me and I stand behind all of it.
Thanks for shopping Paisley & Plow.